Tuesday, November 29, 2005

A new era in Kanata

I've talked about it for many years.
I wondered why it was taking so long.
But now, the time has come.

There is a Taco Bell in Kanata.

Yes my friends, you heard me. Taco Bell finally has a store in Kanata. Granted, it isn't a standalone restaurant, it's combined with the KFC on CastleFrank and Hazeldean, but it's there. I had to rub my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

Cheesy Chili Burritos and Soft Tacos.... not a 5 minute drive from my house. And just when I had started really watching what I ate and working out every day. Why do the gods tease me so??


Blogger Sara and Scott said...

Oh my god.

I never believed the day would come.

The days of road trips to Belleville/Ogdensburg to indulge in the Taco-y goodness available only at the Bell are no more.

However, on a sad note, I had Taco Bell about 6 months ago (yes, too long ago I agree) and I must note that the cheesy chili burrito has decreased in size.

Note to Taco Bell: If I wanted to watch my figure I wouldn't be chowing down on Cheesy Chili Burritos.

Kanata, in all its suburban blandness, is now on the map.

Oh and on an unrelated note... if you like Pho the place beside the Broken Cue in Kanata (forget what it's called) is actually very good.

8:05 PM  
Blogger DJ Alley said...

Pho...is that like faux food??? hahahahaha.
Taco Bell is the devil. If I wanted to sit on the potty for 2 days...well...I wouldn't but...you get the drift.

5:33 PM  
Blogger Henly said...

It's official. Taco Bell is open. Let the feasting begin!!

7:26 AM  

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