Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Sometimes, booze IS the answer...

Warning: Revealing a bit of my inner geek here.

So yes, I do play the occasional Xbox game once in a while. Lately it's been Mech Assault 2: Lone Wolf. (Jon usually kicks my butt in every Xbox game and he's got good skills across the board. Except Mech Assault. Jon sux at Mech Assault :D)

So I breezed through the entire game with no real problems, except the big boss dude at the end. I couldn't beat him. I played 2 2-hour sessions tyring to beat him, over and over, without success. My thumbs were throbbing.

Enter last Saturday night, out at the bar with my neighbour. The most beer I've had in at least a year. Fun times all around. I get home about 2am, happily drunk. I think about bed, then I think about the damn game. "Just a couple of tries before sleep", I think to myself.

I fire up the game after stumbling around my basement and trying to find the coordination to plug in the controller. I plop down on the couch and start the all-too-familiar battle with big boss dude.

And beat him on my first try. :)

Numbed nerves? Increased boldness, creativity? I dunno... but it worked.

Maybe I should start my weekday off with a six pack, I wonder what it would do for my job performance! :D


Blogger DJ Alley said...

Are you sure the "win" wasn't a beer induced hallucination?? I had too much tequila Tuesday night and ended up going home with Orlando Bloom!!!

11:48 PM  

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