Wednesday, October 25, 2006

As if I needed another reason to dislike Ben Affleck

I don't need to go thru the "what's not to like" regarding Ben Affleck. Ok, maybe I'll hit the highlights:
  • He's an overated actor
  • He's annoying
  • His fame does not match his talent
  • He acts like an idiot. All the time.
Now comes this interview with Anne-Marie Losique from 2004. To summarize, he either is drunk or acts drunk, hard to tell. But he basically acts like an idiot the entire time with this interviewer on his lap. Now, really I could care less about that. I know he's a moron already, and if that girl wants to be on his lap, more power to him.

However, pay attention to what he says/does at the 4 minute mark (I don't expect anyone to sit thru the whole thing).

Here's the quote for those that didn't watch:
"Don't make me like I am retarded! I look like I have cerebral palsy!"

So here's my note to Ben:

You motherfucker.

Maybe you feel safe poking fun at people with CP since you figure they pose no threat to you. They obviously have low mental and physically capacities, right? Actually Ben, CP has a huge spectrum of affliction. Some are able bodied but mentally disabled, others are physically handicapped but are 100% in the head. The lucky ones are afflicted so little that you wouldn't know unless they told you. I fall into that latter category. The reason people don't notice is because I went through a ton of therapy in my youth and wore a brace on my leg for 10 years. I also had casts on my feet multiple times growing up. And yes, I was teased growing up about it. However, I realize that what I went through is NOTHING compared to those that are really afflicted with CP. And while many of them aren't in a position to defend themselves from demeaning comments like yours, I sure as hell can. I've known three other people with CP in my life. One of them works here at Nortel and another was a prof at the University of Waterloo. Following that ratio, 75% of people with CP are probably smarter than you are, you dumb fuck.

Your comments only show what an ignorant asshole you really are. Thank you giving me an excuse to actually hate you now, which I always wanted to do, but never had a real reason.


Blogger ElaineMI said...

I take it you're not in the least Benafflected?

3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

see something new I didn't know about you. I'd never have guessed. Now I've got 3 friends who have CP, all of whom are smarter than Ben Affleck.

5:13 PM  
Blogger Sara and Scott said...

I'm so torn.

He's such an asshat... and he's totally on some kind of drugs (I don't think he's drunk, I think it must be crystal meth or something)

(and yes, you are totally smarter than him)

But still... I am inexplicably drawn to wanting to sit on his lap.

8:20 AM  
Blogger DJ Alley said...

While sadly, I was laughing, most of the way throught this video...(namely because Ben is such an idiot) it may be indicitive of the uneducated public. Being in the healthcare field, I know it is hard to make the general public aware of the differentials of disease. If we are to breakdown these stereotypes (like using the word "retard") it has to come through education.

8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well the net is buzzing with it now. Several have speculated his chances for an Oscar have diminished substantially because of it.

A true idiot...

4:31 PM  
Blogger Henly said...

An Oscar for Affleck? How the hell would that happen?? Maybe if he was playing a character that was getting tortured, only to make it look real they actually DID torture him. Hey.. this sounds like a good idea..

10:29 AM  

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