Saturday, November 18, 2006

Looking for a Spooky Rental? "The Thing"

I just read that there is a plan for a remake or a companion of John Carpenter's The Thing.

This is kind of cool as The Thing is still one of my favourite movies even 25 years later. It was on TV not so long ago. I stumbled upon it while flicking around and couldn't turn away even though I've seen it countless times. The movie was groundbreaking in terms of the special effects. Remember, this is 1982.. WAY before any sort of digital/CGI technology was available. I'm still amazed by what they were able to accomplish with models and makeup. I often feel that modelling still looks better than a lot of digital. Take a look at how good the ships look in Starship Troopers compared to the Enterprise in Star Wars: TNG.

The funny thing about a remake of The Thing coming out is that the 1982 movie was itself of remake of an even older version.

If you're a scary movie or sci-fi fan, do yourself a favour and rent it (or download it, if that's your 'Thing'.. haha, get it?? 'THING'??? )


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