Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My assault on Evite

After receiving an email from today, I came to the realization that Evite actually really annoys me. Let me outline how I see the good (there IS some) and the bad.

The Good:
  • Effective way to tell everyone you're having a social function and that they are invited. Of course, a mass email accomplishes the same function.
The Bad:
  • I have to navigate away from the email to the actual content of the invite. Boo. Some of the communications at work are like this now and it's a major piss off.
  • If I reply Yes or No, then everyone else who's been invited knows whether I'm going or not. I don't like that. The host is the only one who needs to know.
  • Even if I tell the host through other methods (direct converation, chat, email) that I'm coming, there's still the expectation that you're going to go to the damn site and click 'Yes'. People will hound you until you do.
  • Even after you've selected, Evite will continute to mail you about the event. (Yes! I remember about the party and I remember if I said I was going! Go away!)

Of course, this diatribe is coming from the guy who sent a mass email as his wedding invitation so it shouldn't come as much of a surprise, right? So go ahead and continue to send me Evites if that's what you like.. just expect me to contact you directly instead of filling out the silly form.


Blogger Sara and Scott said...

Yeah... and don't send you wedding invites with an RSVP envelope and expect you to actually fill out the RSVP card and put it in the self addressed, pre-paid, stamped envelope included for your convenience.

Frankly I just think you're anti RSVP'ing in general and your problem isn't REALLY with evite.

8:06 AM  
Blogger Henly said...

I did one better than sending you the RSVP card, I talked to you on the phone and told you I was coming. That's a lot more personable than the RSVP card.

9:40 AM  
Blogger Sara and Scott said...


The self addressed STAMPED envelope is there for a REASON... seriously. It's not some kind of wall-hanging for your amusement...

People wouldn't pay for your stamp and an enveloppe if they didn't want you to USE IT.

and apparently you aren't up on the whole wedding thing, but people SAVE their RSVP cards in their wedding scrapbook because people put all kinds of neat little answers on the RSVP card. (I'm not sure I get that part either)

At least you did one step better than Abdi and even OPENED the invite...

Just buck up and follow the rules.

10:33 AM  
Blogger ~ said...

Henly, Sara is totally right on this one. That little card means, "I'm officially coming, please pay for my dinner," a "wouldn't miss it," in conversation says, "Yeah, I'll be there ... in case something else comes up." If you receive a formal paper invitation to something then a formal RSVP is required.

In addition to teaching Jade about the horrors that can come when white angora and hot chocolate mix, please instill in her head that a written invitation requires a writen reply unless otherwise stated.

And if there's an RSVP card with a self addressed and stamped envelope then replying is a MUST.

In regards to evite, you know my feelings: evite = devil.

10:49 AM  
Blogger Henly said...

Yeah, I was really disappointed when I finally gave in and took down the RSVP card from my bedroom wall and had to mail it back.. :P

Saving the RSVP cards? Never would have thunk it. What about the leftover wine from people's glasses? Is that usually gathered up and kept in the newlywed's fridge? ;)

Giving it some thought, if I got a paper invite from people I wasn't daily/weekly contact with I probably would send back the RSVP card. But with people I'm really buddy-buddy with, I almost see it as cold to just send the RSVP and not confirm directly (phone, chat, etc.)

11:00 AM  
Blogger Sara and Scott said...

Nothing prevents you from doing both!!!!

11:32 AM  
Blogger DJ Alley said...

Ok wedding virgins....Even though you've ALL had ONE!!
I AM THE AUTHORITY on wedding etiquette. YES. YOU MUST RSVP. This reason is twofold.
1. The the couple OFFICIALLY knows to pay for your dinner.
2. TRADITIONALLY, the RSVP's went to the parents of the bride. Therefore TALKING to the bride was NOT good enough. Remembering who said yes is HARD considering how many people are invited to a wedding.
3. NOT using the RSVP, that the bride and groom spent GOOD MONEY on is RUDE!!
That's what Emily post says.
And every other friggin wedding authority on EARTH!!
Deal with it.

2:04 PM  
Blogger DJ Alley said...

Ok, so that's 3 reason, and i can't spell when I am raging on the keyboard....

2:05 PM  
Blogger Henly said...

Who the hell is Emily Post??

I guess I can see where counting the RSVP cards would be the easiest way to keep track of numbers. I was thinking there would be some master list that names would be checked off from, but perhaps that's not how it's done.

Still seems weird to mail something to someone when I talk to them all the time.

I still think Evite is poo, however. ;)

3:12 PM  
Blogger EUC said...

Ok now I have to weigh in.

If you get an invite by mail, with a stamped envelope to reply, YOU NEED TO REPLY! It's not a bookmark, or something to write your shopping list on, or to throw out. People bought you a stamp so you could let them know you're coming (or not)... all you have to do is check the right box and drop it in a mailbox!

At my wedding we gave people a choice for an entree so it was extra important people answered, but that still escaped some and the week before the wedding people who hadn't responded we had to call to figure things out. Plus, it's fun to get response cards in the mail.

I love evite, so much prettier than sending a plain old email.

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You see Henly, these people are programmed for ettiquette and protocol. You have no use for a protocol droid!

1:36 PM  

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