Thursday, November 23, 2006

Clay Aiken, Kelly Ripa and Rosie O'Donnell are in a rowboat..

Here's an interesting little story.

The one who has no gender, Clay Aiken, guest hosted the Regis and Kelly show last Friday. I don't usually watch it, but apparently Kelly has a habit of being a big talker during the interviews and not giving Regis a chance to ask anything. So Clay and Kelly are interviewing Emmitt Smith and Cheryl Burke from Dancing with the Stars when Clay notices he cannot get a word in edgewise. Clay tried to turn it into a joke and put his hand over Kelly's mouth. Right away, you can tell this pissed her off and she directly but politely told him it was wrong.

Here's the clip, but it doesn't happen till about 2:40 if you want to jump to that mark:

Why Clay was wrong: Dude, that's gross. If you're friends, maybe you can get away with it. But in a professional setting (on LIVE TV, nonetheless) with someone you haven't worked with before, it's a very unsanitary, inappropriate and juvenille thing to do.

When Regis was back this week, she brought the incident up again and tore into Clay a little bit more:

Why Kelly was wrong: Why bring it up again? You dealt with it immediately and properly. The guy was clearly embarassed and put in his place as he should have been. Bringing it up the following week and laying into Clay again doesn't help anything, you made your point the first time. Why try to damage him further?

Oh, and then on The View, of course Rosie has to give her two cents. She calls it a homophobic remark, which outrages Kelly so much she calls into the show and defends herself and calls Rosie out on, well, being an ass:

Why Rosie was wrong: Where do I start? A homophobic remark? A HOMOPHOBIC REMARK? (Did Rosie just "out" Clay Aiken? I don't remember him coming out officially, but that's not really the point.) "You don't know where that hand has been" is used ALL THE FREAKING TIME! Does Rosie really think Kelly was implying he was giving handjobs backstage or something? He's been shaking hands with the freaking audience and it's flu season. If someone did that to me at work, I'd sure be tempted to say the exact thing to them! This is an example of Rosie trying to be a champion of the gay community, which is not a bad thing, she's done a lot of good. But not every insult or put-down directed to a gay person is because they are gay! Pick your fights carefully Rosie, or you'll lose more credibility.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why Kelly was wrong?

Well there are pictures all over the net of her doing the exact same thing to Regis and pictures of Regis closing her mouth on two separate days. Therefore, germs are not the issue here.

8:25 AM  
Blogger Henly said...


Germs still might be the issue..

It's a matter of trust. These two have worked together every day for years, so they could be comfortable with one another enough to allow it without getting freaked out.

I look at how I would react. If someone I was close to did that, I wouldn't be that upset. If it was someone I'd just met that day? Absolutely it would bother me.

I am surprised that she hasn't explained why she feels it's ok for her to do it to Regis. She has to think people are going to view her as a hypocrite.

10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand why people are taking valuable oxygen discussing such a non-issue. I can't even understand why I'm reply to this. Who is that other anonymous who seems to care? The real anonymous doesn't care about such things.

11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not being a fan of Kelly Ripa, Clay Aiken, and DEFINATELY NOT a fan of Rosie O'Donnell, this was the first I'd seen this. I did hear about it on the local radio and my say on all this:

1) Clay was definately wrong and rude (especially since he was only guest hosting and Kelly IS the regular host) of the show.

2) I don't blame Kelly for what she did...expect Henly's right about bringing it up again the next show with Regis. It was over, get over it and move on. She handled it very well on the show and got the laughs and put Clay in his place.

3) Who gives a rat's ass what Rosie has to say. She's a loud mouth, bigoted, obnoxious, no talent MORON. I don't flaunt nor shove down anybody's throat the fact that I'm heterosexual and I resent her attempting to shove her homosexuality down mine. I think Rosie hunts for ways to be offensive. She doesn't have to hunt very hard, the very fact that she is here is obnoxious enough.

Real anonymous? Will the real anonymous please stand up?

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooops!!!! E X C E P T......damn fingers type faster then I can spell!!

12:05 PM  

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