Friday, September 29, 2006

See? Sometimes procrastination DOES payoff!

Two examples:
  • Earlier this year, one of my colleagues was poking fun at me because I had lost my gym bag and I was using a plastic bag (classy, I know) for all my stuff when going to the gym at work. I kept saying "I'll get one soon, I'll get one soon". This went on for about a month. Then I participated in the Tour Nortel and raised more than $500. The 'Surprise Special Reward' given to those earning more than $500 in pledges? A gym bag.
  • Those that have been in my kitchen recently (why does that remind me of 'Cheers'?), may have noticed that my light has been burnt out for... oh, a little while. If I had lightbulbs in the house, it would have been replaced immediately. However, there were none to be found. Anytime I was driving home from work I would think "Should I stop and get some bulbs on my way?" Apathy would always win out. Besides, there was plenty of light if I kept the fridge door open! (That's a little joke.) So what did Ottawa Hydro leave in my mailbox last week? A light bulb.
"Why put off till tomorrow what you can put off till the day after tomorrow?"

Thursday, September 28, 2006

It's like 'The Ring', only in blog form...

So, the very night of reading The Waghorns account of kitchen appliance mishaps, I had my own incident.

Was about to boil pasta, got the water in pot, pot on the stove, turned the burner on. Two minutes later, I hear something bubbling and think to myself "Gee, that was fast." I look at the stove to see that I turned on the wrong burner. Lying on top of this burner, was a plastic kitchen utensil. Or, what was left of a plastic kitchen utensil.

Now, I've never had cat pee on my stove, but I'm thinking the smell of burnt plastic must rival it.

So, in the spirit of The Ring, I've made a copy of my kitchen mishap story to share with you all, to prevent some ghastly chick from coming out of the oven and making my face all creepy-like.

Your kitchen will combust in seven days.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Belinda Stronach and... who??? Oh lord...

For those that have been living avoiding news today....

Belinda and Domi

Good lord. Why would either one want to get involved here? Domi just started a new job with TSN and Belinda was aiming to run for freaking Prime Minister!

Also, Belinda is a ... great looking woman. (I'm going to be polite since now I think I have a shot with her!) She could have any number of men in this country or others. Why Tie freaking Domi? Especially when he's separated from his wife with kids? In her position??

The point of discussion I'd like to raise:

Is that it for Belinda's political career? Is she now destined to be a Rink Rat?

Monday, September 25, 2006

Whack-a-Mole, my gift... my curse.

Ok, I admit it.

I have a slight addiction to Whack-a-Mole.

Every trip to Canada's Wonderland or any other park included a mandatory trip to Whack-a-Mole. For some reason, I've always seemed to kick ass at this game, putting little 8 year old kids to shame with my lightning fast reflexes, making them cry when I walk away with my stuffed animal or novelty sized hammer/sword/etc. I had to start giving away my prizes at Wonderland since I my 'trophy case' at home was already full of booty. (There's actually a cute story there, but it'll have to wait.)

Before yesterday, my last performance was at Wonderland against my brother and his wife. I was talking smack the entire time leading up to the big moment... then I proceeded to get my ass handed to me by my diminutive sister-in-law. She won she pirate-themed Spongebob Squarepants that I wanted so desperately. I immediately challenged her to a rematch... and lost AGAIN. This time, she walked away with the pirate-themed Patrick (Spongebob's buddy). Needless to say, I was shaken.. bewildered.. in disbelief.

My sister-in-law to this day still reminds me how much she 'loves Whack-a-Mole now', waving Spongebob and Patrick in my face. I've been living with a lot of self-doubt since then, wondering if my own hype was just that. Did I really have the skills to dominate this game?

Enter the Carp Fair yesterday. As soon as I was on the grounds, I saw the Whack-a-Mole game. It felt like it was taunting me. I wasn't going to play, but near the end of the day Jade looked up at me and gave me that "Daddy, I believe in you. I also want another stuffty. Go play Whack-a-Mole!" look. (I'm sure you're all familiar with that look.) Who am I not to listen to my little girl?

I walked up to the packed game, looked the Whack-a-Mole guy in the eye and declared "I'm in", handing him my Twoonie. I cautiously sized up my competition: a tough looking mix of adults and 8 year old girls. It wasn't going to be easy. I zoned in as the guy counted down "Three... two.. one... whack!"

I was suddenly thrown for a loop. The moles were not coming up fast and furious. Instead, it was a slow game unlike any I encountered before! I adjusted my strategy on the fly now clutching the mallet furiously, the suspense between each mole almost unbearable. Time seemed to slow down, since it felt like I'd been playing for hours.

All of a sudden, a siren sounded. The game was over, someone had reached 150 points. With a mix of fear and exhultation, I looked up above the board..... to see my siren flashing!!!!!

I had done it! The 'Mole Guy' came over to me, carrying both my prize and a look of envy. I held my stuffed lion high in the air for all to see.. basking in the glory of the moment.

Amongst all the excitement, I heard Jade ask: "Can I have it?" I proudly handed her the lion, which she hugged fiercely.

And seeing that made me happier than winning any silly game.